What unites bankruptcy, tax disputes, maritime law and the activities of companies in tax-free and low-tax jurisdictions? Thousands of nuances and subtleties, the need for simultaneous application of a multitude of regulations, non-standard situations, exact observance of the client's interests and the absolute uniqueness of each case.
We unite these four completely different spheres - Academy of Legal Solutions.
But here there is an obvious and simple question - some strange and incompatible areas of activity. How can one company remove the arbitration managers, negotiate to increase the insurance coverage of furniture, electronics and navigation equipment, and cooperate with agents about servicing companies, and make claims for VAT refunds? At first glance, this seems not only impossible, but also unproductive.
The secret lies in combining several companies and narrow specialization of employees. The first allows us to build work effectively, and the second helps to circumvent all the pitfalls, even in the most difficult circumstances.
Four areas coexist harmoniously and organically. The secret lies in combining several companies and narrow specialization of employees. The first allows you to build work effectively, and the second helps to circumvent all the pitfalls, even in the most difficult circumstances.
Suppose, what you agree, this separation really works. But what can we do and why do you need it? Let's discuss on the example of tax disputes and bankruptcy.
Paying taxes is a sacred duty of taxpayers. But for effective development, businesses have always wanted to reduce the tax burden and, moreover, to do it legally. If this is your goal, then we will conduct a tax audit of the organization and develop the most effective and legal framework for activities.
If tax authority is on the threshold and is ready to hold you accountable for violations of legislation on taxes and fees? First, do not panic - such violations are detected in the activities of 99% of organizations. And secondly, our tax lawyers are already rushing to help you!
After our consultations, you and your employees will know exactly how to behave during a tax audit and how to respond to requests from tax authorities. If such bodies have already made a decision, then we will prepare objections to the tax audit report and the subsequent statement challenging the actions of tax officials, as well as represent your interests both when considering the tax audit materials and at the court session.
In other words, we are developing the most profitable option for business to comply with tax laws, fully control the actions of tax authorities during inspections and defend your interests, if any, were violated, both in the face of tax authorities and in courts.
If a lawyer’s participation in tax disputes is unambiguously necessary for a company to pay less, then there are two opposing camps in bankruptcy - creditors and debtors. Academy of Legal Solutions specialists have extensive practice in the presentation of both parties.
The main objective of the lender is to get the maximum amount of the debt from his debtor and protect his claims. From the moment the application for bankruptcy is filed and reviewed by the court, creditors do not have the right to demand extraordinary debt repayment from the debtor, they are not entitled to charge fines and penalties. All questions must be resolved through the bankruptcy trustee, who acts as the head of the debtor. Considering a similar interaction scheme, the lawyer’s task is to assess the debtor’s property, include the creditor’s claims in the register, represent his interests in all bankruptcy proceedings and monitor the actions of the arbitration administrator.
In turn, the goal of a bankrupt person is to preserve his property and satisfy as few requirements as possible in the smallest possible amount. To achieve this, lawyers assess the existing property with a view to the possibility of foreclosure, dispute the creditors' applications for inclusion in the register of creditors, dispute the amounts of claims and control the activities of the arbitration manager so that he does not act to the detriment of the debtor’s interests.
Thus, speaking on the side of the creditor, the experts of the Academy helps to recover the maximum possible amount from the debtors. And protecting debtors does not allow lenders to make illegal claims.
We believe that the main task of the Academy of Legal Solutions is to make the law a tool for business development, its faithful assistant, and pave the way for success in the world of dispositions, hypotheses and sanctions.